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What Causes Substance Abuse Among Adolescents?


Substance abuse is a prevalent public health issue across the globe, including adolescents. Some studies even suggest that people start consuming drugs as early as 13. As parents, we should be alarmed that teens are susceptible to using dangerous substances. In the United States alone, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a leading organization regulating mental and behavioral health services, has reported that adolescent substance use seems to show no decline despite the limited availability due to COVID-19.

To help our children overcome substance addiction, we must first understand what leads to such abuse. Through our mental health services in North Carolina, Better Beginnings Healthcare Solutions educates parents of possible causes of teenage substance use.

  • Experimentation
    Adolescence is a crucial developmental stage in which some irrational behaviors tend to dominate. As a result, many teens try out new activities they perceive as daring, regardless of the danger associated.
  • Fitting in a Circle
    Some teenagers try substance use with the desire to be accepted in a group they think is also using drugs. This phase of insecurities and wanting to be in a social group often influence marijuana, illegal drugs, or opioid addiction.
  • Feeling Good
    Several drugs activate the part of the brain responsible for the feelings of pleasure. Moreover, teenagers suffering from anxiety, depression, and other conditions resort to substance use to feel better and reduce distressful emotions.

These are just some of the many potential causes of substa

nce addiction in adolescents. To learn more about teenage drug use, follow the National Institute on Drug Abuse. As parents, if you notice signs of substance abuse in your children, seek immediate and proper healthcare in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

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